Wastewater Treatment Plant Sri Lanka Water Treatment Sri Lanka A Division of ABC Trade & Investments waste water treatment Environmental Solutions water purification Sri Lanka Water Treatment Plant Sri Lanka

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water treatment Sri Lanka

Water Treatment

Water is an absolute necessity of life. Majority of our natural resources are vulnerable to the ongoing grapple of pollution, climate change, and rapid population whereas tap water can be quite harmful as contaminants affect overallwater quality. Aftermath of the high risks associated with impure water due to the deterioration of water quality, the demand for water treatment Sri Lanka has arisen than ever, inciting the importance of instigating proper water treatment Equipment.

Wastewater Treatment Sri Lanka

Waste Water Treatment

Sewage treatment leads to dipping certain constituents of a sewage wastewater to acceptable levels through a series of designed processes in Water Treatment Sri Lanka. It is carried out by an on-site system designed to hold both black water and gray water for reasonably long periods by going through a series of unit operations, enhancing water quality and other specified parameters of the waste water.

Water Sri Lanka, Water Treatment Supplier Sri Lanka, Wastewater treatment plant, Water purification Sri Lanka, Water Treatment Solutions Sri Lanka, Water Treatment Chemical Sri Lanka,RO Water Sri Lanka, Water Hardness Controller, Water Filtration,Industrial Water Solutions, Water Quality Testing, Effluent Treatment Sri Lanka, Sewage Treatment Sri Lanka,Odour Control Sri Lanka

Air & Surface Purification

The air that we breathe is of paramount importance for our general existence and wellbeing. Research studies claim that indoor air is two to five times dirtier than outdoor air, and sometimes up to 100 times dirtier. A good air purifier keeps your family healthy. Air purifiers in Sri Lanka stop sickness and germs from spreading. It can also trap dust, pollen and allergens and help neutralize smells and we hold the ideal solutions to provide you an intense care against these vulnerabilities.

Who We Are

ABC Aqua Science, a business division of ABC Trade & Investment (Pvt) Ltd. takes pride in offering affordable, practical and high quality products and services in Water Purification, Water Treatment Sri Lanka, Sewage & Wastewater Management and Air Purification. Over the last decade, company has been singularly focused on growth, strategically aligning to a direction that enables us to emerge as market leaders in different sectors in terms of innovativeness, product quality, reliability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). As we look in the future we remain committed to our mission and will widen our products and services, expanding to new marketplaces whileattracting the best minds and improving our processes. 

Latest Technology

For instance, Kubota's water environment solutions and Water Treatment Chemicals are active in all aspects of the water cycle, supporting water infrastructure in Japan and throughout the world. More solutions include Cleansui, Propre, Avista Technologies, Canature, Ecosoft, etc.

Air & Water Treatment Sri Lanka

Water purification keeps your family healthy. Air purifiers stop sickness and germs from spreading. It can also trap dust, pollen and allergens and help neutralize smells. Air purifiers Sri Lanka comes in variety of sizes and keeps the air healthy in any room. Our water treatment Sri Lanka includes Tap/city Water systems, Water Disinfection, Hardness & Ion Removal

AquaScience has already undertaken latest and brightest projects that we've put a lot of passion and efforts. Don't forget to check our entire portfolio! we provide mature and premium work, destined for the typical modern day waste water technology that needs to stand out.
Currently one of the best water treatment Sri Lanka, Air and Water Purification, facilitated across the country and recognized with thousands of reviews & ratings.


Frequently Asked Questions About Reverse Osmosis

Osmosis is a natural process by which water flows into plant and animal cells, through cellular membranes,

There are a number of methods of waste water treatment Sri Lanka, for example, media filtration, activated carbon filtration, water softening, and de-ionization.

Frequently Asked Questions About Reverse Osmosis!!!



Premium Clients


Projects Completed


Gallons of Water Purified/Day


Customized Systems


our working processin 3 steps

We at aquascience aim to deliver the ultimate solutions for your purification and Waste Treatment problems. We remain committed to our mission and will widen our products and services, while attracting the best minds and improving our processes.

Planning & strategy

We at Aqua Science appropriately productivate distributed infrastructures for one-to-one expertise.

Prepare & Setup

We credibly inspect & develop functional water & waste water treatment solutions for commercial and residential purposes

Test & deliver

We continually promote empowered resources for professional manufactured products.

We put alot of Passion into our dynamic projects